Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff Directory

Image of Dr. Fraze with a blue background.

Steven Fraze
Department Head
Office Location: GTH 111
Phone: 575-646-4511
Email: sfraze@nmsu.edu
Fraze Profile

Image of Shannon Parish

Shannon Norris-Parish
Assistant Professor
Office Location: GTH 105
Phone: 575-646-1130
Email: norriss@nmsu.edu
Norris-Parish Profile

Image of Dr. William Norris

William Norris
Assistant Professor
Office Location: GTH 106
Phone: 575-646-4539
Email: wnorris1@nmsu.edu
Norris Profile

Image of Dr. Rankin with an outdoor background of trees.

Kris Rankin III
Assistant Professor
Office Location: GTH 111
Phone: 575-646-3713
Email: krankin3@nmsu.edu
Rankin Profile

Image of Dr. Roberts with grey background.

Lacey Roberts-Hill
Assistant Professor
Office Location: GTH 104
Phone: 575-646-3078
Email: lnrob@nmsu.edu
Roberts-Hill Profile

Image of LaJoy Spears, Assistant Professor, Program Development and Evaluation Specialist for NMSU AXED

LaJoy Spears
Assistant Professor,
Program Development and Evaluation Specialist

Office Location: GTH 111
Phone: 575-646-1134
Email: lrspears@nmsu.edu
Spears Profile

Image of Dr. Vanleeuween with a grey background.

Dawn VanLeeuwen
Office Location: GTH 103
Phone: 575-646-5960
Email: vanleeuw@nmsu.edu
VanLeeuwen Profile

Adjunct Faculty

Image of Jamie Baker

Jamie Baker
Adjunct Faculty
Email: jbaker1@lcps.net
Baker Profile

Retired Faculty

Image of Tom Dormody

Tom Dormody
Regents Professor Emeritus
Email: tdormody@nmsu.edu
Dormody Profile

Image of Frank Hodnett

Frank Hodnett
Professor Emeritus
Email: fhodnett@nmsu.edu
Hodnett Profile