Kris Rankin III

Dr. Kristopher (Kris) Rankin III was born and raised in Columbia, MO, where he also attended the University of Missouri to receive his bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education. Kris taught for five years in central Missouri between 30-60 minutes south of Columbia, teaching topics such as natural resources, agricultural mechanics, and middle school agriculture. He presided over numerous state and national winning career development event (CDE) teams, as well as aided over 55 students to receive their State FFA Degree, and over 40 students to receive their American FFA Degree. Kris attended Oklahoma State University for both his master’s and doctoral degrees, assisting in all undergraduate courses within the department, as well as assisting in teaching the agricultural mechanics courses. His research focuses on school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teacher technical skill development, SBAE teacher retention and program improvement, as well as historical research pertaining to agricultural education at large. Dr. Rankin hopes to continue his work at New Mexico State University, aiding the AXED department in their goal of serving the agricultural education stakeholders of the state.

View full Rankin CV (PDF)

Image of Kris Rankin III, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education at NMSU.

Kris Rankin III
Assistant Professor
Office Location: GTH 111
Phone: 575-646-3713